Australia’s Leading
Water Management
Australia’s Leading
Water Management
Welltech Total Water Management have been successfully delivering innovative water management solutions across the mining, civil, utility and construction sectors for many years. Our endless energy and passion constantly drive us well beyond delivering the best equipment.
Our journey and vision have been inspired by the commemorable feats of C.Y. O’Connor (11 Jan 1843- 10 Mar 1902).
Irishman, Charles Yelverton O’Connor, was appointed Engineer-in-Chief of Western Australia in 1891, he was to become responsible for the construction of Fremantle Harbor and the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme project, to which he would literally commit his life.
While at the time, many questioned his judgment and management of public works, historically C.Y. O’Connor would be revered for his technical knowledge, instincts and his commitment to success that would outlive the defamation he received from nay-sayers who held little faith in his bold aspirations.
The legacy of C.Y. O’Connor’s professional and personal triumphs in Western Australia serves as a tangible reminder of the importance of hard work, belief in your goals and most poignantly the need to stand by one’s convictions during doubt and the hardest challenges.
With Water Management being our life blood we fully understand and reflect with empathy on the challenges faced by C.Y. O'Connor. All of Welltech are proud to carry on his legacy of committing to look beyond the conventional with complete conviction. This philosophy constantly inspires us and filters down to the end result of absolute client satisfaction.
Welltech have been sourcing, developing and introducing innovative solutions for over 25 years, our endless energy and passion constantly drive us well beyond delivering the best equipment.
At Welltech we are renowned for developing composite and quite often simple project solutions that once introduced, attract client feedback such as ”Why didn’t we think of that?”
The many years of long term client relationships are testimony that our commitment is our proven recipe for success, after all Commitment = Satisfaction.
Born from
Born from
Welltech’s Research and Development team constantly search the world looking for and developing the latest equipment and technology available.
Our clients understand that once the team at Welltech have researched, endorsed and introduced a product to our fleet it is guaranteed to produce reliable quality results.
Welltech’ s philosophy of total Commitment = Satisfaction has proven that by listening and understanding our clients, we can deliver solutions that not only increase productivity but more importantly increase the bottom line profit.
It is our business to deliver fault free solutions that really work.
We will answer the phone any time.
We will be available when you need us.
We will be easy to do business with.
We will provide the highest quality products.
We will do what we promise.
We will keep you informed as we progress.
We will earn your loyalty with quality and value.
We will be on the leading edge of technology.
We will become your trusted adviser.
We will be committed.
Committed to your service.
David Henderson
Chief Executive Officer