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Total Water Management Solutions - Our Journey

Australia’s Leading

Water Management



Total Water Management Solutions - Our Journey

Australia’s Leading

Water Management



Welltech Total Water Management have been successfully delivering innovative water management solutions across the mining, civil, utility and construction sectors since 1995. Our endless energy and passion constantly drive us well beyond delivering the best equipment.

Our journey and vision have been inspired by the commemorable feats of C.Y. O’Connor (11 Jan 1843- 10 Mar 1902).

Irishman, Charles Yelverton O’Connor, was appointed Engineer-in-Chief of Western Australia in 1891, he was to become responsible for the construction of Fremantle Harbor and the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme project, to which he would literally commit his life.

While at the time, many questioned his judgment and management of public works, historically C.Y. O’Connor would be revered for his technical knowledge, instincts and his commitment to success that would outlive the defamation he received from nay-sayers who held little faith in his bold aspirations.

The legacy of C.Y. O’Connor’s professional and personal triumphs in Western Australia serves as a tangible reminder of the importance of hard work, belief in your goals and most poignantly the need to stand by one’s convictions during doubt and the hardest challenges.  

With Water Management being our life blood we fully understand and reflect with empathy on the challenges faced by C.Y. O'Connor. All of Welltech are proud to carry on his legacy of committing to look beyond the conventional with complete conviction. This philosophy constantly inspires us and filters down to the end result of absolute client satisfaction.

Welltech have been sourcing, developing and introducing innovative solutions for over 25 years, our endless energy and passion constantly drive us well beyond delivering the best equipment.

At Welltech we are renowned for developing composite and quite often simple project solutions that once introduced, attract client feedback such as ”Why didn’t we think of that?”

The many years of long term client relationships are testimony that our commitment is our proven recipe for success, after all Commitment = Satisfaction.


Our Commitment


Born from


Our Commitment


Born from



Welltech’s Research and Development team constantly search the world looking for and developing the latest equipment and technology available.

Our clients understand that once the team at Welltech have researched, endorsed and introduced a product to our fleet it is guaranteed to produce reliable quality results.

Welltech’ s philosophy of total Commitment = Satisfaction has proven that by listening and understanding our clients, we can deliver solutions that not only increase productivity but more importantly increase the bottom line profit.

It is our business to deliver fault free solutions that really work.

  • We will answer the phone any time.

  • We will be available when you need us.

  • We will be easy to do business with.

  • We will provide the highest quality products.

  • We will do what we promise.

  • We will keep you informed as we progress.

  • We will earn your loyalty with quality and value.

  • We will be on the leading edge of technology.

  • We will become your trusted adviser.

  • We will be committed.

Committed to your service.

David Henderson

Chief Executive Officer

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30 Years of Excellence

The Welltech Journey

30 Years of Excellence

The Welltech Journey

Welltech Total Water Management is proud to announce the celebration of our 30th anniversary. Since its founding in 1995, Welltech has been dedicated to delivering innovative water management solutions across the mining, civil, utility and construction sectors.

“For three decades, Welltech has been committed to the philosophy of total Commitment = Satisfaction which has proven that by listening and understanding our clients, we can deliver solutions that not only increase productivity but more importantly increase the bottom line profit,“ said David Henderson Founder/CEO. “We are incredibly grateful to our customers, partners and employees, for their support and trust over the years. This milestone is a testament to the hard work, passion, and innovation of everyone involved. Our endless energy and passion constantly drive us well beyond delivering the best equipment.”

From humble beginnings to becoming Australia’s leading water management company, Weltech has consistently focused on our ability to deliver innovative valuable solutions that work.

“We look forward to celebrating this achievement with our customers, partners and employees, and continuing to grow and serve for years to come - watch this space,” said David Henderson.


Geoff Curtis, Ben Campbell and David Henderson establish Welltech - a ground water management company built from scratch in the back shed of their Indoor Go Kart Hire business in O’Connor.


After attending ConExpo in Las Vegas, David recognised the potential for Portable Water Towers in the West Australian market. Upon his return, the first prototype was built, but it failed during testing, necessitating a redesign. Eventually, five Welltech Portable Water Towers were successfully constructed. After 12 months of perseverance and overcoming many doubts, the first unit was deployed for the Narrows Bridge Duplication Project. Thus, the journey began…


During very tough economic times, Ben and David put everything on the line, fully committing to pursue the Welltech dream. After a late-night call, they decided to withdraw from an agreed takeover bid by Coates Hire. This pivotal decision led to Geoff's departure and the arrival of long-time colleague and friend Damien Cole as a mentor and one-third shareholder.


Welltech develop and manufacture the revolutionary ‘Junior’ - open suction dewatering pump. This development was first of many to cement Welltech as market leaders and visionaries.


Welltech take on larger scale sewer bypass projects to assist pipeline relining company, Drilline. Cottesloe bypass was the first of note. This relationship was pivotal for Welltech and assisted getting a foothold in a very high-risk industry.


Ben and David buy Damien’s share of Welltech and forge on with the journey as 50:50 partners.


Ben visits ConExpo in Vegas and identifies MegaCorp’s MMP4 truck fill pump as the next best thing to compliment Welltech’s growing construction water division.

David takes a trip to Albuquerque New Mexico and secured the Australian National distributorship. Welltech purchase 45 units and rebrand them 220L/sec Welltech MegaFill™.


After many years of research and development Welltech build the first pair of I10K surface mount vacuum primed Hidrostal Bypass Pumps. This relationship with Hidrostal continues to grow to a point that Welltech now holds as the world’s largest rental fleet of Hidrostal bypass pumps.


Welltech explodes onto the east coast, securing very large scale 1,100L/sec bypass for John Holland in Melbourne.

Welltech secures the largest construction water project ever undertaken on Bechtel’s Wheatstone Project. Welltech’s skill, dedication and scale saw design and construction of overland and ocean based pumping systems, over 30 Welltech Portable Water Towers on hire. This project continued successfully for more than 2 years.


Welltech purchase and open a Melbourne office and workshop in Fishermans Bend, Port Melbourne.


Noongar artist Harold “Frog” Bemmel hand paints his indigenous inspired designs on three Welltech Portable Water Towers.


Zak Haines joins Welltech as a junior electrician.


Welltech move from rented premises in Kewdale to its own significant premises in Canning Vale.



Welltech Bypass Division secure largest West Australian bypass project to date, bypassing the Subiaco waste water treatment plant at as many as 5 locations with flows in excess of 1,650L/sec.


Big bypass just gets bigger. The North Yarra Main Rehabilitation Project in Melbourne seen flows in excess of 2,000L/sec. All without incident.


Welltech purchase MaxTank Pty Ltd, a small tank hire business with a proprietary design for deploying their 420,000L Max tanks. Within weeks all 3 tanks in the fleet were at work and Welltech team started new design on gen 3 Max. After exhaustive redesign Max Gen 3 was shelved due to rising construction and lead time costs. Ultimately this was the beginning of the end for Max.



Zak is invited to purchase a 10% stake in Welltech and immediately brings new blood and enthusiasm to Welltech.

Largest bypass project to date is carried out for Fulton Hogan at Luggage Point in Brisbane. Welltech successfully designed, constructed, and managed bypass flows in excess of 2,600L/sec.

Rat Racing is born. A group of Welltech employees created a mountain bike racing team and complete the gruelling 4-day Cape to Cape mountain bike event.


The birth of MEGAMAX™ in the true spirit of Welltech, an ambitious dream became reality with the introduction of Welltech 1,000,000L MEGAMAX™, soon to follow was smaller brother 420,000L MidiMAX™. The market immediately jumped onboard endorsing this latest innovation as the must have product.


As a show of homage to founding partner Ben Campbell, the team showcase Welltech’s new blast and paint facility by replicating Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell Soup art onto the latest Gen 3 Welltech Portable Water Tower.



“Emotional End of an Era” David Henderson buys Ben Cambell’s remaining 45% stake in Welltech marking the end of a more than 40 year working relationship. The Next Gen Welltech see’s Zak Haines holding 10% and David Henderson 90%.


The Welltech journey continues….